
Вставьте подходящие модальные глаголы come. Модальные глаголы can, may, must

Упражнение 1

Поставьте в вопросительной и отрицательной форме и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.

  1. I can show you an interesting picture of the city.
  2. He can give you his report on the life of Jack London.
  3. His brother could play the piano very well.
  4. She could translate these English texts.
  5. We must attend a lecture on German history on Tuesday.
  6. You must return my magazines on Wednesday.
  7. You must take your children to the country for the weekend.
  8. I must go to see your grandmother on my day off.
  9. You may discuss these questions after work.
  10. They may take four magazines from that shelf.
  11. She may sit on the sofa in my study.
  12. He may leave Moscow on Saturday.

Упражнение 2

Ответьте на следующие вопросы, обращая внимание на употребление модальных глаголов.

  1. Can you speak English?
  2. Can you write English?
  3. How can you speak English?
  4. Can you speak English well or badly?
  5. Can your daughter play the piano?
  6. How can she play the piano?
  7. Where can we get some English magazines?
  8. What can you see on the walls of this room?
  9. Must you son attend any lecture at the university?
  10. What must you do to know English well?
  11. When must you come to the office?
  12. With whom must you work at this report?
  13. May I take your pen?
  14. When may your son to go to the country?
  15. Till what time may we stay at our library?
  16. May we sometimes finish work at three o’clock on Saturday?
  17. When may children go to the cinema?

Упражнение 3

Составьте и задайте вопросы с глаголом can (could) и его эквивалентом to be able to .

Образец: I can carry this box. (to speak French, to drive a car, to come early, to learn the rule, to have breakfast, to work for ten hours).

He could swim very well when he was young. (to work much harder, to translate to English into Russian, to run quickly, to learn a long poem for ten minutes).

In six months he will be able to read English newspapers. (to play chess better, to go on an excursion, to take an examination in History, to get up early in the morning, to buy a new bag.)

Упражнение 4

Переведите представленный текст на английский язык, употребляя can (could), to be able to .

Я не смогу его ждать. Можешь ли ты мне ответить не этот вопрос. Кто может перевести это предложение? Мы не могли добраться до университета до 9 часов. Она не сможет научиться хорошо петь. Я не смогу прийти на следующее занятие по истории. Где можно купить этот учебник? Она не могла идти так быстро. Что я могу сделать для Вас? Мог ли он забыть как меня зовут? Вы можете сделать это без всякой помощи? Она не смогла окончить школу в прошлом году. Можете ли Вы подождать меня? Когда мы сможем сделать это? Сможет ли ваша сестра купить нам завтра билеты?

Упражнение 5

Составьте предложения с глаголом may (might) .
Образец. May I open the window? (to smoke here, to use the dictionary, to come to see you, to wait for you here, to speak to you, to leave the room, to go home).

He said you might smoke. (to stay here, to answer this question, to take this book, to read the text, to watch TV in the evening, to help his friend with his homework)

Упражнение 6

Переведите предложения, употребляя глаголы may (might) .

Вы можете прийти позже. Можно мне задать вам один вопрос? Вы можете подождать меня в коридоре. Можно мне позвонить Вам сегодня вечером? Он сказал, что мне можно остаться там. Учитель сказал, что мы можем выполнить это упражнение дома. Мать сказала, что Олег может пообедать в школе. Кто сказал, что мы можем идти домой после этого урока? Могу ли я пойти к врачу? (to see the doctor).

Упражнение 7

Составьте предложения с модальным глаголом must и его эквивалентом to have to в будущем времени.

Образец: You must be ready to answer all my questions (to come by 5 o’clock, to do this work, to clean your teeth every morning, to help your mother, to try it again, to see the doctor).

Упражнение 8

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол must (to have to, to had to ).

Мы должны сделать домашнее задание к понедельнику. Кто должен переписать диктант? Я должен был встретить ее, но не смог. Сегодня вам пришлось встать рано. Она должна много работать над произношением. Где я должен вас ждать? Когда мы должны готовить доклад? Вам придется прийти еще раз. Вам не нужно будет переводить эту статью. Она должна была сказать ему об этом. Я должны буду еще раз позвонить ему вечером. Мы должны были спешить, так как опаздывали в кино.

Упражнение 9

to have to, to be to (в модальном значении).

Образец: I have to work very hard (to meet my brother at the station, to leave home early, tp make a report, to have tea instead of coffee, to buy a new pen).

Упражнение 10

Составьте предложение, употребляя глаголы to have to, to be to (в модальном значении).

Мне приходится вставать рано. Я должен начинать работу в 8 часов. Занятия в школе должны заканчиваться в 3 часа. Поезд должен прибыть в 12 часов. Мне нужно поговорить с вами. Ей надо было уйти пораньше. Они должны были встретиться вчера вечером. Ей пришлось прийти на станцию метро еще раз. Где мы должны остановиться? Им не пришлось долго ждать. Когда должен окончиться этот урок? Вам придется его подождать, он все еще занят. Нам придется ехать на автобусе, здесь нет метро.

Этих глаголов в английском всего несколько. Они обозначают не действие, а то, как мы (или кто-то) к нему относимся – должен, можно, способен, вероятно, необходимо и т.п.

Модальные глаголы не изменяются – к ним не нужно подставлять окончания.

После них нам не нужна частица to , но обязательно нужен другой, «обычный» глагол.

Can – мочь, уметь

Означает возможность, способность, умение, позволение.

Отрицательная форма can"t (can not, cannot).

I can drive a car. – Я могу водить машину.
My father can"t play piano. – Мой отец не умеет играть на пианино.
Jimmy is only 3 years old but he can count to ten. – Джимми только три года, но он умеет считать до десяти.
It can happen any time. – Это может случиться в любую минуту.
Sorry, I can"t come to your party tomorrow. – Извини, я не могу прийти на твою завтрашнюю вечеринку.
It"s late, you can stay in our house. – Уже поздно, вы можете остаться у нас.

Чтобы задать вопрос, ставим can на первое место.

Can birds swim? – Могут ли птицы плавать?
Can I take your pen, please? – Можно мне взять твою ручку?
Can I go there with you? – Могу ли я пойти туда с тобой?

Could – мог бы

Если нужно сказать о прошлом или сделать просьбу более вежливой, вместо can говорим could .

Отрицательная форма couldn"t (could not).

Чтобы задать вопрос, ставим could на первое место.

She couldn"t go shopping yesterday because she had guests. – Она не могла вчера ходить по магазинам, так как у неё были гости.
By that time I could read and write. – К этому времени я мог читать и писать.
Could you, please, repeat it more slowly? – Могли бы вы повторить это более медленно, пожалуйста?
Could you help me, please? – Могли бы вы мне помочь, пожалуйста?

May – мочь (разрешение)

С помощью may мы разрешаем кому-то что-то делать, а также говорим, что некое действие, возможно, произойдёт.

Отрицательная форма практически не используется, вместо этого говорим can"t или mustn"t .

Чтобы задать вопрос, ставим may на первое место.

You may go for a walk in the evening. – Можешь пойти погулять вечером.
I may be late this evening. – Возможно , я опоздаю сегодня вечером.
The bus may have left yet. – Автобус, возможно , уже ушёл.
You mustn"t go out alone at night. – Ты не должен выходить один на улицу поздно вечером.
May I come in? – Можно мне войти?
Dad, may I take your bike? – Пап, можно я возьму твой велосипед?

Might – мог бы

Вероятно, но мы не уверены, сомневаемся.

Упрёк, неодобрение – мог бы, но не сделал.

They might be on their way home now. – Наверное, они сейчас возвращаются домой.
She might know about his plans. – Возможно, она знает о его планах.
He might come to see me. – Он мог бы навестить меня (но не пришёл).
You might have phoned the same day. – Ты мог бы позвонить в тот же день (но ты не позвонил).

Must – должен

Говорим must , если мы должны сделать что-то из своих внутренних убеждений, моральных принципов и т.д. Или мы очень уверены в каком-то действии.

Отрицательная форма mustn"t (must not).

Чтобы задать вопрос, ставим must на первое место.

I must call her and find out what is happening. – Я должен позвонить ей и выяснить, что происходит.
I must do it tomorrow. – Я должен сделать это завтра.
You must go to theatre and see this play. – Вы должны сходить в театр и посмотреть этот спектакль.
I think you must consult a doctor. – Думаю, ты должен сходить к врачу.
You mustn"t tell anybody about it. – Ты не должен никому говорить об этом.
He must be at work now. – Он должен быть сейчас на работе (сильная уверенность).
Must I go with you? – Я должен идти с вами?

Ought to – следует, следовало бы

Сожаление, упрёк.

Отрицательная форма oughtn"t to (ought not).

Чтобы задать вопрос, ставим ought на первое место.

You ought to see your doctor. – Вам следует сходить к доктору.
We ought to do this at once. – Нам следует сделать это сразу.
Sorry, I oughtn"t to have said it. – Извини, я не должен был этого говорить.
He oughtn"t to be working for these people. – Ему не следует работать на этих людей.
Ought I to warn them of her arrival? – Должен ли я предупредить их о её приезде?

Have to – вынужден, приходится

Должен, приходится, вынужден из-за обстоятельств.

Отрицательная форма don"t have .

Чтобы задать вопрос, используем do / does , как в Present Simple.

Для прошедшего времени используем had , в вопросе – did , как в Past Simple.

Для будущего времени используем will , как в Future Simple.

I have to go now because I have a lot to do. – Мне нужно идти потому что у меня много дел.
I have to get up early tomorrow to meet my brother at the airport. – Завтра мне надо встать рано, чтобы встретить брата в аэропорту.
You don"t have to come tomorrow. – Тебе завтра не нужно приходить.
Do you really have to leave? – Ты и вправду вынужден уехать?
We had to pay for his tickets. – Нам пришлось заплатить за его билеты.
Did you want or have to do it? – Ты захотел это сделать или тебе пришлось?
Will I have to talk to them? – Мне придётся поговорить с ними?

Be to – должен, нужно

Должен или нужно по плану, расписанию, инструкции, договорённости.

Имеет формы am / is / are в настоящем времени, was / were в прошедшем.

Чтобы задать вопрос выносим be на первое место.

Для отрицания после be ставим not .

They are to start this work tomorrow. – Они должны начать эту работу завтра утром.
He is to take his things and come immediately. – Он должен взять свои вещи и немедленно прийти.
I am to meet my boss at 10 am. – У меня назначена встреча с боссом в 10 утра.
Are you to do it? – Ты должен делать это?
Who is to arrange the party? – Кто должен организовывать вечеринку?
You are not to leave before I come back. – Ты не должен уходить пока я не вернусь.
I was to see my dentist at 2 pm. – У меня был приём зубного в два часа.

Shall – должен, обязан

Обязательно должен, есть твёрдая уверенность в этом. В вопросах – ожидание указания, совета.

Отрицательная форма shall not (без сокращений).

Чтобы задать вопрос, ставим shall на первое место.

You shall start using it immediately. – Вы должны начать пользоваться этим немедленно.
You shall have whatever you want. – У тебя будет всё, что ты захочешь.
Shall I help you? – Мне помочь вам?
Shall I close the window? – Мне закрыть окно?
What shall I do? – Что же мне делать?

Should – следует, следовало бы

Отрицательная форма shouldn"t (should not).

Чтобы задать вопрос, ставим should на первое место.

You should tell me the truth. – Ты должен сказать мне правду.
You should not do it. – Ты не должен был этого делать.
He should have done this work. – Он должен был сделать работу.
You shouldn"t have told your mother about it. – Ты не должен был говорить своей матери об этом.
The children should be hungry now. – Дети, должно быть, проголодались.
Why should I help? – Почему я должен помогать (с какой стати)?

Would – бы, желать, вероятно, бывало

Вежливая просьба – будьте добры, будьте любезны, не желаете ли. Частица «бы».

Иногда означает нежелание что-либо делать или противодействие (никак не).

Отрицательная форма wouldn"t (would not).

Чтобы задать вопрос, ставим would на первое место.

Would you please show me this jacket. – Будьте любезны, покажите мне эту куртку.
Would you like a glass of wine? – Не желаете ли бокал вина?
Would you help me? – Могли бы вы мне помочь?
I would do it, I swear! – Клянусь, я бы это сделал!
The engine wouldn"t start. – Мотор никак не заводился.
I wouldn"t lend him money. – Я не хочу одалживать ему деньги.

Need – нужно, надо

Только в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.

В вопросах – сомнение, что нужно делать это действие. Если предполагается положительный ответ, то need в ответе не используем, берём другой модальный глагол, подходящий по смыслу.

Отрицательная форма needn"t (need not).

Чтобы задать вопрос, ставим need на первое место.

You needn"t do it. – Тебе не нужно этого делать.
We needn"t come. – Нам не нужно приходить.
You needn"t tell him about it. – Не нужно сообщать ему об этом.
Need I repeat it? – Нужно ли мне повторить?
Need I write this letter? – Нужно ли мне писать это письмо?
Need I buy any bread? – Yes, you must . – Нужно ли купить хлеба? – Да.

a) can’t

3. Вставьте подходящие модальные глаголы (must, can, need).

1. I ... not believe. I failed another test. — But you ... go to more classes and fewer parties. 2. Perhaps we ... meet next week. 3. ... he speak English in childhood? 4. My neighbours ... grow their own vegetables. 5. ... you turn the music down, please. 6. I ... not believe. I am already out of money. — You ... learn not to spend so much. — But I ... not help it, there are just things that I ... to buy. 7. If you want to improve your English, you ... work very hard. 8. ... I take this book? — Certainly, but you ... not give it to anybody. 9. Mother, ... I go to the country tomorrow? — No, you ... not. The doctor says you ... stay at home for a day or two. 10. There is something wrong with your television set. You ... call a repairman. — Oh, we ... not do, it! My brother ... fix it himself. 11. ... we bring these textbooks every day? — No, you ... not: you ... take them from the library. 12. ... you go to the country with us? — No, I am afraid I ... not: I ... go to the library.
1. can, must. 2. сап. 3. could. 4. сап. 5. could. 6. can, must, can, need. 7. must. 8. can (may), must. 9. can (may), must (may, can), must. 10. must, need, can. 11. must, need, can. 12. can, can, must.

4. Вставьте подходящие модальные глаголы (must, may, can, need, to have to, to be able to).

1. You ... not come to help them tomorrow: the work is done. 2. You ... not change the whole text as the beginning is all right. You ... only rewrite the second part of it. 3. ... you help me now? — I am afraid not: I am in a great hurry. I shall be free in the evening. Come to my place at about eight, and I ... help you. 4. John ... not tell us the rules of the game: we know them. 5. ... I return the book to you on Friday? I am afraid I ... not finish it before. — No, that is too late. You ... bring it to me not later than Wednesday. 6. It is already six o"clock. We ... hurry if we don"t want to be late. 7. ... you translate this text into English? — I think I .... 8. They spent all the morning on the river bank. Only Ann ... return home as she ... not stay in the sun for such a long time. 9. How do you feel when you ... take a test? — I"m always a little frightened and unhappy. 10. She ... decorate a room nicely. 11. We ... not afford to pay the bill. 12. He"s got a lung problem and he ... go to hospital every two weeks. 13. Ann ... not go to his birthday party yesterday because she ... go to the dentist. 14. You ... take medicine three times a day before meals. You ... not stop taking it until you have finished the bottle. Don"t forget. You ... drink water as much as you .... You ... get up tomorrow if you like. You ... not stay in bed all the time. But you ... not do any work at all. You ... just relax for a few days.

1. need. 2. need, must. 3. can, shall be able to. 4. need. 5. may, can, must. 6. must. 7. can, can. 8. had to, could. 9. have to. 10. can. 11. can. 12. has to. 13. could, had to. 14. must, must, must, can, can, need, must, must.

5. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя модальный глагол may/might/could/

E.g. Possibly you left your book behind.

You may have left your book behind.
1. Perhaps it was too cold for the children to go out.
2. It is possible that he took his children to the zoo.
3. Possibly they did not see us in the crowd.
4. Perhaps Robert used a dictionary.
5. Possibly Mary misunderstood you.
6. Perhaps Henry waited for us there.
7. Possibly Ann returned very late last night.
8. Possibly they have seen the new play.
9. Perhaps Nick has left his exercise book at home.
10. Perhaps you left your umbrella in the bus.
11. Perhaps he went to the cafe to wait to wait for us.
12. Perhaps it was Helen who rang you up.
13. Perhaps they came by plane.
14. Perhaps she had a very good English teacher.

1. It may have been too cold for the children to go out. 2. He may have taken his children to the zoo. 3. They may not have seen us in the crowd. 4. Robert may have used a dictionary. 5. Mary may have misunderstood you. 6. Henry may have waited for us there. 7. Ann may have returned very late last night. 8. They may have seen the new play. 9. Nick may have left his exercise book at home. 10. You may have left your umbrella in the bus. 11. He may have gone to. the cafe to wait for us. 12. It may have been Helen who rang you up. 13. They may have come by plane, 14. She may have had a very good English teacher.

6. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя модальный глагол may/might/could/

1. Perhaps he is at home, but I am not sure 2. It is possible that we studied at the same school, but I don"t remember her. 3. Perhaps she was proud of her knowledge, but she never showed it to her classmates. 4. Perhaps there was a chance for him to win the match. 5. Perhaps Peter was as capable as the old workers, but he was given no chance to show his skill. 6. Perhaps they will come home very soon: be ready. 7. Perhaps the question was too difficult for her. 8. Try this delicious drink: perhaps you will like it. 9. Why didn"t Nick ring us up? - It is possible that he forgot about it. 10. It is possible that your brother has never heard about this singer. 11. Perhaps she tried to enter the university, but failed. 12. It is possible that you asked the wrong people, that"s why you didn"t get the right answer. 13. Perhaps our friends will arrive here tomorrow.

1. He may be at home, but I am not sure he is. 2. We may have studied at the same school, but I don"t remember her. 3. She may have been proud of her knowledge, but she never showed it to her classmates. 4. There may have been a chance for him to win the match. 5. Peter may have been as capable as the old workers, but he was given no chance to show his skill. 6. They may come home very soon: be ready. 7. The question may have been too difficult for her. 8. Try this delicious drink: you may like it. 9. Why didn"t Nick ring us up? — He may have forgotten about it. 10. Your brother may never have heard about this singer. 11. She may have tried to enter the university, but she failed. 12. You may have asked the wrong people. 13. Our friends may arrive here tomorrow.

7. Скажите, что, на ваш взгляд, эти события не могли произойти .

E.g. This old bracelet was found in Africa.

This old bracelet can"t have been found in Africa.

1. This car was built twenty years ago. 2. These photographs were taken in the north. 3. This tape recording was done last week. 4. James was given an excellent mark in history. 5. Ann was given an excellent mark for her geometry test. 6. This house was built at the beginning of this century. 7. This tower was built in the 9th century. 8. This book was written by a very good writer. 9. This film was made by a very good director. 10. This play was written by a very clever playwright. 11. This film has been shot in a fortnight. 12. This book was translated into Russian in the 19th century. 13. This castle was built in the 15th century. 14. This picture was painted by an Italian artist. 15. This refrigerator was produced ten years ago.

1. This car can"t have been built twenty years ago. 2. These photographs can"t have been taken in the north. 3. This tape recording can"t have been done last week. 4. James can"t have been given an excellent mark in history. 5. Ann can"t have been given an excellent mark for her geometry test. 6. This house can"t have been built at the beginning of this century. 7. This tower can"t have been built in the 9th century. 8. This book can"t have been written by a good writer. 9. This film can"t have been made by a good director. 10. This play can"t have been written by a clever playwright. 11. This film can"t have been shot in a fortnight. 12. This book can"t have been translated into Russian in the 19th century. 13. This castle can"t have been built-in the 15th century. 14. This picture can"t have been painted by an Italian artist. 15. This refrigerator can"t have been produced ten years ago.

8.Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя модальный глагол can"t.

E.g. I don"t believe he is at home now. He can"t be at home now.

1. I don"t believe that you are serious. 2. It is impossible that she is a traitor. 3. I can"t believe that he has made such an important discovery. 4. I can"t believe that the teacher has forgotten to correct our homework. 5. I don"t believe the work is too difficult for my friend. 6. I don"t believe Jane made such a mistake. 7. It is impossible that the cat ate all the fish. 8. I don"t believe that our papers were so poor. 9. It is impossible that you believed such a silly lie. 10. It is impossible that he has stolen the money. 11. I don"t believe that they have heard the story before. 12. I don"t think that she is good at physics.

1. You can"t be serious. 2. She can"t be a traitor. 3. He can"t have made such an important discovery. 4. The teacher can"t have forgotten to correct our homework. 5. The work can"t be too difficult for my friend. 6. Jane can"t have made such a mistake. 7. The cat can"t have eaten all the fish. 8. Our papers can"t have been so poor. 9. You can"t have believed such a silly lie. 10. He can"t have stolen the money. 11. They can"t have heard the story before. 12. She can"t be good at physics.

9. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами саn, may или must.

1. ... I come in? 2. You ... not smoke here. 3. ... take your book? — I am afraid not: I need it. 4. He ... not speak English yet. 5. I have very little time: I ... go. 6. They ... not go to the park today because they are busy. 7. You ... read this text: it is easy enough. 8. What ... we see on this map? 9. ... you speak Spanish? — No, unfortunately I ... 10. At what time ... you come to school? 11. She ... still live in Paris. 12. He is busy. He ... be writing a book about his travels. 13. But he is happy. He ... enjoy life. 14. My friend Danielle isn"t a famous artist. But she ... even paint Russian icons. I ... only admire her beautiful pictures. She ... be a woman of great talents. She ... speak German, French and English. She ... translate a lot of articles for the Museum of her native town in Switzerland. She ... also teach these languages at school. She is fantastic. I am fascinated by everything that she does.


1. may. 2. must (may, can). 3. may. 4. can. 5. must. 6. can. 7. can. 8. can. 9. can, can"t. 10. must. 11. may. 12. must. 13. must. 14. My friend Danielle isn"t a famous artist. But she can even paint Russian icons. I can only admire her beautiful pictures. She must be a woman of great talents. She can speak German, French and English. She can translate a lot of articles for the Museum of her native town in Switzerland. She can also teach these languages at school. She is fantastic. I am fascinated by everything that she does.
10. Вставьте модальные глаголы can, may, must или need.

1. Peter ... return the book to the library. We all want to read it. 2. Why ... not you understand it? It is so easy. 3. ... we do the exercise at once? — Yes, you ... do it at once. 4. ... you pronounce this sound? 5. You ... not have bought this meat: we have everything for dinner. 6. I... not go out today: it is too cold. 7. ... I take your pen? — Yes, please. 8. We ... not carry the bookcase upstairs: it is too heavy. 9. We ... not carry the bookcase upstairs ourselves: the workers will come and do it. 10. When ... you come to see us? ¦— I ... come only on Sunday. 11. Shall I write a letter to him? — No, you ... not, it is not necessary. 12. ... you cut something without a knife? 13. Everything is clear and you ... not go into details now. 14. He ... not drink alcohol when he drives. 15. Don"t worry! I ... change a light bulb. 16. By the end of the week I ... have finished writing my book. 17. She ... not call the doctor again unless she feels worse.


1. must. 2. can. 3. must, must. 4. can. 5. need. 6. can. 7. may. 8. can. 9. need. 10. can, can. 11. need. 12. can. 13. need. 14. must. 15. can. 16. may. 17. need.

Упражнение 1: поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах

1. Children саn help their mother about the house.

2. Our sportsmen must train every day.

3. Judy may come a little later.

4. Students have to attend lectures and seminars.

5. Sportsmen have to work hard to get the best results.

1. Can children help their mother about the house? Children can"t help their mother about the house. 2. Must our sportsmen train every day? Our sportsmen must not train every day. 3. May Judy come a little later? Judy may not come a little later. 4. Have students to attend lectures and seminars? Some students have not to attend lectures and seminars. 5. Have sportsmen to work hard to get the best results ? Sportsmen have not to work hard to get the best results.

Упражнение 2: заполните пропуски модальными глаголами

Michael: (1) I go to the cinema tonight?
Mrs. Davis: You know you (2) go out during the week.
Michael: But I (3) go out last Saturday either. I think Dad is too strict.
Mrs. Davis: You (4) speak about your father like that. He"s doing what he thinks is best.

Michael: (5) I have some friends over, then?
Mrs. Davis: I"m afraid you (6) . We"re having some friends to dinner.
Michael: (7) I at least watch TV for a while?
Mrs. Davis: Yes. you (8 , but only after you"ve done your homework.
Michael: But I haven"t got any homework!
Mrs. Davis: Oh! Well, in that case, you (9) go out, but you (10) be home late.
Michael: I"ll be home by 11, I promise.

1. can; 2. mustn"t; 3. couldn"t; 4. mustn"t; 5. can; 6. can"t; 7 may; 8. may; 9. may; 10. must not.

Упражнение 3: вставьте подходящий модальный глагол

Husband: I"ve got a splitting headache.
Wife: Why (1) you go and lie down?
Husband: Yes, I think I will. (2) you bring me some aspirin?
Wife: Yes, of course I will. (3) I call the doctor?
Husband: No. (4) wait and see how I feel later.
Wife: (5) like a glass of water?
Husband: Yes, please. (6) you also telephone the office to say I"m ill?
Wife: Yes. (7) you tell me where to find the number?
Husband: (8) looking in the address book by the phone?
Wife: (9) I say you"ll be in the office this afternoon?
Husband: Yes, you (10) say I"ll be in about 2. I should be all right by then.

7. Они могли и не уезжать в Нью-Йорк (а они уехали).
8. Им незачем было уезжать в Нью-Йорк (они и не уехали).
9. Им пришлось уехать в Нью-Йорк.
10. Им предстояло уехать в Нью-Йорк.

Упражнение 557. Вставьте подходящие модальные глаголы (must, can, need).

1. I ... not believe. I failed another test. - But you ... go to more classes and fewer parties. 2. Perhaps we ... meet next week. 3. ... he speak English in childhood? 4. My neighbours ... grow their own vegetables. 5. ... you turn the music down, please. 6. I ... not believe. I am already out of money. - You ... learn not to spend so much. - But I ... not help it, there are just things that I ... to buy. 7. If you want to improve your English, you ... work very hard. 8. ... I take this book? - Certainly, but you ... not give it to anybody. 9. Mother, ... I go to the country tomorrow? - No, you ... not. The doctor says you ... stay at home for a day or two. 10. There is something wrong with your television set. You ... call a repairman. - Oh, we ... not do, it! My brother ... fix it himself. 11. ... we bring these textbooks every day? - No, you ... not: you ... take them from the library. 12. ... you go to the country with us? - No, I am afraid I ... not: I ... go to the library.

Упражнение 558. Вставьте подходящие модальные глаголы (must, may, can, need, to have to, to be able to).

1. You ... not come to help them tomorrow: the work is done. 2. You ... not change the whole text as the beginning is all right. You ... only rewrite the second part of it. 3. ... you help me now? - I am afraid not: I am in a great hurry. I shall be free in the evening. Come to my place at about eight, and I ... help you. 4. John ... not tell us the rules of the game: we know them. 5. ... I return the book to you on Friday? I am afraid I ... not finish it before. - No, that is too late. You ... bring it to me not later than Wednesday. 6. It is already six o"clock. We ... hurry if we don"t want to be late. 7. ... you translate this text into English? - I think I .... 8. They spent all the morning on the river bank. Only Ann ... return home as she ... not stay in the sun for such a long time. 9. How do you feel when you ... take a test? - I"m always a little frightened and unhappy. 10. She ... decorate a room nicely. 11. We ... not afford to pay the bill. 12. He"s got a lung problem and he ... go to hospital every two weeks. 13. Ann ... not go to his birthday party yesterday because she ... go to the dentist. 14. You ... take medicine three times a day before meals. You ... not stop taking it until you have finished the bottle. Don"t forget. You ... drink water as much as you .... You ... get up tomorrow if you like. You ... not stay in bed all the time. But you ... not do any work at all. You ... just relax for a few days.

Упражнение 559. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя подходящие по смыслу модальные глаголы (can, may, needn"t).

1. Вы можете взять эту книгу, если хотите.
2. Вы можете взять эту книгу: она не тяжелая.
3. Вы можете и не брать эту книгу.
4. Я не могу взять эту книгу.
5. Подумай только: можно было и не ходить туда.
6. Можешь сразу не соглашаться: подумай несколько дней.
7. Можете сегодня туда пойти.
8. Можете сегодня туда не ходить.
9. Можете не переписывать сочинение.
10. Можете остаться: ведь у вас есть время.
11. Можете остаться, если хотите.
12. Можете не оставаться, если не хотите.
13. Можете не говорить ему об этом.
14. Можете сказать ему об этом.
15. Нам можно не повторять эти правила: мы их знаем.
16. Можно было и не писать сочинение.
17. Он мог и не приходить: все было уже сделано.